Member Information

Welcome!  Each and every singer is a valued member of our choir.  We are happy to have you join us and hope your experience will be rewarding and enjoyable.

Purpose and Membership

The Stamford Chorale offers the opportunity to sing under professional leadership and to perform the finest choral music for the public. We encourage anyone who loves to sing and can sing in tune, 18 years or older, to join us. Rehearsals include instruction in vocal technique, sight-reading, and performance. Resources are provided to help members learn their parts.  There are no auditions. 


There are no auditions.

Member Dues

Member dues are payable per semester at the start of the season.  Scholarships and installment plans are available if this may be a challenge for you – we do not wish to exclude anyone who wants to participate.   

Rates are: 

  • General Member: $180 
  • Young Member: $100 
  • Student Member: $50 

Please email [email protected] to request a dues arrangement; this will be kept confidential.  Any arrangement will require (re)ratification each season. 

Rules and Restrictions 

To qualify for a Young Membership you must be the age of 30 or under at the time of performances.

To apply for a Student Membership you must be enrolled full time at a high school or college/university. 

Additional Fundraising

We depend on every member to participate and raise money through TSC’s various fundraisers to help cover costs.  TSC asks each member to raise at least an additional $100 in contributions each semester. Contributions may come from any combination of: 

  • Individual donations
  • Business donations/employer match programs
  • Sales of concert tickets
  • Fundraising events

Contribution to our Community

We ask that each member plays an active role in building and maintaining our community.  In addition to providing high-quality performances, we believe that an important part of a community chorus is creating bonds between our members.  We make time at rehearsals for members to mingle (and snack!) and organize a number of social events throughout the year.

Our organization is run by volunteers and we are always looking for members to contribute to the running of TSC. Please contact a [email protected] if you have skills/experience/talents that you can offer; this is also a great opportunity if you wish to learn/develop new skills & a resume-builder too!

Rehearsal Location

Unitarian Universalist Congregation (“UUC”), 20 Forest Street, Stamford, CT

Parking is available across the street in Bedford Street Garage, or on Forest Street.

Enter through the rear door of the church. 

Rehearsal Information


Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings in downtown Stamford at 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

Rehearsal Schedule: 

Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. 

Rehearsals begin promptly at 7:30. You should be in your seat and ready to sing at that time. Cell phones should be turned off during rehearsals.  Please do not wear perfume or scented products.

Please bring

  • All music. This includes music that has been previously rehearsed because the Director may review the pieces or sections of music at any time. 
  • A pencil with eraser for marking your music for the phrasing and musical dynamics that the Director provides, as well as any additional markings that will catch your attention and help you remember corrections.
  • (optional) a highlighter to mark your part and tab inserts to separate music selections.
  • If you prefer to use your own iPad, we recommend ForScore app.  You can download pdfs from Chorus Connection


You are expected to practice your music on your own between rehearsals. As a general rule, this will involve (i) making sure director’s marks as posted on Chorus Connection are copied into your music, (ii) reviewing music that TSC has already rehearsed in prior rehearsals  (recordings will be made available), and (iii) practicing the music that the Director plans to rehearse in the upcoming rehearsal. At the end of each weekly rehearsal the Director will communicate his expectations for what music to practice prior to the next week’s rehearsal. Practice tracks for all music are available on Chorus Connection.


Please email OR text your section leader before rehearsal if you are unable to be there.  (Individual contact information is below).  Attendance at all rehearsals and learning/practicing between rehearsals are directly related to performing in the concert.  

Each member is allowed two rehearsal absences per season  after the conclusion of open rehearsals.  In the event of a third absence, the music director may request to meet with you for a note check to ensure mastery of repertoire. 

All Stamford Chorale members are expected to perform in concerts.  If you have a pre-existing conflict with a concert (family wedding etc.) and cannot participate but would like to attend rehearsals you may do so up until three weeks prior to the concert with director approval.

Rehearsal Cancellation

An e-mail notification will be sent by 4:00 p.m. on rehearsal day if a rehearsal will be cancelled, e.g., due to inclement weather.

Chorus Connection Portal

We use Chorus Connection to send rehearsal notes, practice links, cancellation notices, schedule changes, information and news of music events to members of TSC.  

We need your correct e-mail address; please let us know if it has changed. 

Login Portal:

Upon first login, please update your member profile as fully as possible, including a photo.  This helps us get to know each other.

You can update directly here:

ADA Inclusion Statement

The Stamford Chorale rehearses for and presents several concerts each calendar year to promote and cultivate community choral singing at locations that comply with accessibility guidelines.of the American Disability Act (ADA),The Stamford Chorale does not currently own or operate rehearsal or performance facilities. TSC chooses sites that are accessible for people with disabilities.

TSC provides opportunities for all who enjoy ensemble singing. Its concerts offer an outlet of expression for singers and a means of entertainment for others. Reasonable accommodations are applied on a case-by-case basis according to TSC’s charter and by-laws.